2004年 第二届中国西部大地情全国山水·风影画作品展,获铜奖
2004年 河南省第十届美术作品展,获铜奖
2004年 广西第十届美术作品展,获铜奖
2005年 纪念抗日战争胜利六十周年全国中国画作品展
2005年 首届中国写意画展
2006年 当代国画优秀作品提名展
2006年 第三届中国西部大地情全国中国画·油画作品展
2006年 2006年全国中国画作品展
2007年 在河南大学举办“郭善涛山水画展”
2007年 河南省高校教师作品展,获二等奖
2008年 首届河南省工笔画提名展,获学术奖
2008年 首届全国线描艺术展
2009年 倡导绿色生活 共建生态文明全国美术作品展
2009年 河南省第十一届美术作品展,获金奖
Henan Pu in relief person, chinese artist academician, henan omits a landscape painting art appoint conference committee member. Was graduated from major of landscape painting of Chinese academy of fine arts 2003, obtain bachelor's degree; Was graduated from major of landscape painting of Guangxi art institute 2006, obtain master's degree. Teach to teach a department at art of institute of Henan university art now.
Main publication
1. " book of a person of academic or artistic distinction of Chinese picture youth is fastened - Guo Shantao " Shandong art publishing house
2. " Chinese picture faces review crash - landscape " Liaoning art publishing house
3. " (bursa of painting bright and beautiful) landscape piece bastinado of · clothes and hat is walked on " , " (bursa of painting bright and beautiful) landscape piece · hill stone, forest " , " (bursa of painting bright and beautiful) landscape piece · Zhou Qiao, cloud water " , " (bursa of painting bright and beautiful) landscape
Main exhibition
2004 the 2nd China western work of picture of movie of wind of countrywide landscape · exhibits earth affection, win cupreous award
Henan saved work of the 10th art to exhibit 2004, win cupreous award
Work of the 10th art exhibited Guangxi 2004, win cupreous award
Commemorative War of Resistance Against Japan won 60 years 2005 work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited
First China is enjoyable 2005 art exhibition
Outstanding work nomination exhibits contemporary 2006 traditional Chinese painting
2006 the 3rd China western work of canvas of · of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation exhibits earth affection
Countrywide China drew work to exhibit 2006 2006
Held in Henan university 2007 " art exhibition of Guo Shantao landscape "
Henan saved college teacher work to exhibit 2007, win second-class award
First Henan province was versed in strokes nomination is exhibited 2008, win academic award
Art of line drawing of first whole nation was exhibited 2008
Advocated green to live to build work of art of zoology civilization whole nation to exhibit in all 2009
Henan saved eleventh 2009 art work is exhibited, win a gold prize
Henan saved the 8th China to draw work of art to exhibit 2009, win outstanding award
Work of art of Henan · Guangxi was exhibited 2010
2010 the 6th China western work of canvas of · of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation exhibits earth affection
Henan saved the 9th China to draw work of art to exhibit 2010, win outstanding award
2010 Zuo of Geng Yin discipline, work of paint from life of landscape painting of Chu Hong advance exhibits Guo Shantao
Commemorative Chinese Communist held water 90 years 2011, exhibition of work of Henan province art
2011 " Central Plains wind " high-quality goods of Henan province art, calligraphy, photography is exhibited (Beijing)
Henan saved the 10th China to draw work of art to exhibit 2011, win outstanding award
Henan saved work of young elite landscape painting to exhibit 2011, win optimal elite award
Henan saved young art work to exhibit 2011, win outstanding award (Henan province is beautiful assist)
2011 the 3rd China (Xiangtan) work of painting and calligraphy of whole nation of section of art of culture of Qi Baishi international is exhibited
In April 2012 " samite Central Plains " work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited, win outstanding award
In June 2012 first " fair Wang Fuchun " work of countrywide landscape painting is exhibited, win outstanding award
Henan saved eleventh in January 2013 China draws work of art to exhibit