Liu Zhongfu? Pseudonym autumn Yan. Heibei fierce brings a person. It is Chinese artist academician now, university of international of Chinese painting and calligraphy hires a professor especially. Beauty of vice-chairman of association of artist of city of Dan of Han of Cengren Heibei province, whole nation exhibits Heibei area to send exhibit work commissioner, Heibei to save the United States to exhibit commissioner, Henan to save commissioner of art the university entrance exam, China civilian. Master from He Kongde, Huang Zhou, Li Mubai. 60 time ever were gotten Jiang Zhao and, Chen Banding, Xie Jian grants, a person of academic or artistic distinction such as Gu Yuan is directive.
? ? ? ? ? Be good at canvas, traditional Chinese painting, New Year picture. Work for many times beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited, province beauty is exhibited and bear the palm. Publishing house of art of countrywide much home waits to publish work in publishing house of art of publishing house of art of people art publishing house, Beijing press, Tianjin art publishing house, Heibei, Henan nearly 100. Work is in Chinese art gallery, United States, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and other places exhibits, be collected by orgnaization of art of domestic and international much home, gallery and individual. Individual art exhibition was held in Shijiazhuang art gallery 2017, publication individual draws volume " work of a person of academic or artistic distinction of contemporary painting and calligraphy is handpick -- Liu Zhongfu draws volume " , income of individual biography brief " directory of family of Chinese contemporary art " , " big dictionary of name of family of Chinese modern art " , " blue book of group of Chinese contemporary art " wait.