陈鸿志(1941.4— ),山东潍坊人。擅长版画。1958年至1960年在中央工艺美术学院染织系。历任上海勤余印染厂图案设计,南京军区文化工作队美术队队长,炮兵美术创作组组长、炮兵第九师文化科长,中国美协上海分会办公室主任,上海文学艺术院办公室主任,现任上海茶亭建筑装潢有限公司副总。作品《双打》参加第三届全军美展,为中国美术馆收藏。《党日》、《太湖浪涌》、《战友》参加全军美展。
Old grand annals (1941.4, ) , person of Shandong Wei lane. Be good at woodcut. Came 1958 institute of centrally arts and crafts was caught 1960 knit a department. Have successively held the posts of Shanghai diligent design of design of more than printing and dyeing mill, chemical industry of article of Nanjing military region makes team leader of team art group, group leader of group of artillerist art creative work, artillerist section chief of culture of the 9th division, china is beautiful assist director of Shanghai branch office, director of office of courtyard of Shanghai literature art, currently hold the post ofShanghai tea-booth to build packaging limited company deputy always. Work " doubles " attend beauty of the 3rd horse and foot to exhibit, collect for Chinese art gallery. " party day " , " too lake surge " , " comrade-in-arms " attend beauty of horse and foot to exhibit.