1939年在新四军抗日游击队一营任俱乐部主任、新四军六支队一团二连政治指导员。 1940年任一团政治处俱乐部主任、一纵队政治部俱乐部主任、新四军江北指挥部政治部文娱干事。 1941年任淮南联中教员、路东行政办事处宣教科员。
抗战胜利后,任皖中总抗联秘书。不久赴淮阴苏皖边区政府教育厅编委会任美术编辑。 在淮南艺专指教期间发现并提携亚明,后程亚君调任大众剧团美术队长,他又把亚明调去任艺术指导。亚明对程老师既仰慕又感激,便取师名一“亚”字,将原名叶家炳改为叶亚明。
《亚君笔下好山水》(唐云)《会境通神合乎天造》《笔墨出新奇》(邵洛羊) 《观程亚君山水画有感》(谢稚柳)
Cheng Yajun (1921.11, ) person of Anhui inhaling county, original name Zhen Chang, also renown runner-up, fellow of city of date new An Zhouzi, badge, fast date puts true floor. Only at landscape painting, woodcut, also fragrant throughwort of arrogate to oneself. Ou Shezhuan engraves case to move Gao Gu, taste wait for carve of cooperative bamboo carving, copper with Tang Yun, Xu Subai.
Inferior gentleman is rare picture name, ever read Nanjing contemporary middle school, badge state middle school, revolution attends after, university of stratocracy of day of Yu Kang of study in school. During fighting day, be in army in be engaged in stratocracy, art working, ghostwrite with the knife war of resistance against aggression defends a country, get Chen Yi to speak favorably of quite. Ever created large woodcarving comic jointly with Lv Meng, Mo Piao " iron Buddha temple " . Deputy editor in chief of publishing house of Shanghai people art is had successively held the posts of after founding a state, secretary-general of Shanghai imperial art academy, press of Shanghai painting and calligraphy is advisory, during diligent the research at Chinese landscape painting and creation. 80 ever sponsorred its individual art exhibition 2 times to association of artist of 90 time Shanghai. 87 years in June " Cheng Yajun picture is chosen " publish by people art publishing house. Cheng Yajun creates a large number of work all one's life, traditional work force is deep, liuceng thanking childish evaluates its work " embellish of pen strong dark green, colour Chinese ink blends, appearance anew, its are sent simple and honestly, brook wind moves You Raoshi, inscriptions is concise, calligraphy has send, photograph of painting and calligraphy is gotten, after how be being sent newly, can weighs ensue. Can weighs ensue..
Contemporary middle school of 14 revenue Nanjing, entered badge state middle school second year.
16 revenue the 7th war zone politics appoint recieve training of training class of meeting youth cadre.
Into the New Fourth Army led by the Chinese Communist Party during the War of Resistance Against Japan one detachment battleground served a group to be member in December 1937.
1938 spring, into Yan'an university of the stratocracy that fight day learns.
In the New Fourth Army led by the Chinese Communist Party during the War of Resistance Against Japan one battalion held the post of the guerrilla that fight day 1939 club director, the New Fourth Army led by the Chinese Communist Party during the War of Resistance Against Japan 6 detachment posse 2 even political political instructor. Either round politics managed person in charge of something of entertainment of ministry of politics of headquarters of north of river of director of club of ministry of politics of club director, one column, the New Fourth Army led by the Chinese Communist Party during the War of Resistance Against Japan 1940.
Held the post of teacher of training school of the art austral the Huaihe River 1942, total article fights Na Ludong of tone the Huaihe River after, with Mo Piao, Lv Meng 3 people are created " iron Buddha temple " woodcarving comic, in all more than 100. It is year of winter in going to Anhui, hold the post of deputy section chief of division of culture and education of do-nothing county government, in moving Anhui again " great river signs up for " hold the post of art editor.
After war of resistance against aggression wins, couplet secretary always is fought in Ren Wan. Go to government of border area of Yin Suwan of the Huaihe River to teach hall to make up before long appoint can hold the post of art to edit. In the Huaihe River during Na Yi gives advice or comments only, discover and guide and support inferior bright, hind header of art of theatrical company of public of Cheng Yajun transfer, he inferior bright attune goes holding the post of an art director. Inferior bright admire already to Mr. Cheng appreciate again, take division name one " inferior " word, home of leaf of will original name bright instead Xie Yaming.
"Common people is known inferior bright, xiao Yajun of a few people, know to deny old inferior master, illuminative it is A Cheng. " the author of this doggerel is group of modern drama of front of military region of the colonel of theatrical company of the public austral the Huaihe River of the period that fight day, Nanjing after liberating long round Mr Zhang Ze easy. Complete poem is very few 20 words, humorous however and humor tunnel gives the article that fight day art history, modern art history a paragraph of a much-told story that go up.
Moved full-time of works of Wen Xiemei art to create 1946, successor China courtyard of the 2nd surgeon publicizes Dongye Zhanjun section chief.
Held the post of 1948 " guard signs up for " subeditor, Hua Ye assistant manager of department of 4 vertical politics member, 7 corps song and dance ensemble politics appoint.
Assumed Zhejiang area command 1950 307 round politics manage a director.
Held the post of school of culture of cadre of Zhejiang military region 1952 2 teams politics appoint.
Held the post of director of office of 81 film studioes 1953.
Held the post of head of department of politics of school of officer of provision of head of department of politics of school of railway ministry culture, railway corps 1954.
1957 deputy chief editor of publishing house of art of transfer Shanghai people.
Held the post of secretary-general of courtyard of Shanghai traditional Chinese painting 1961.
Held the post of adviser of press of Shanghai painting and calligraphy 1979.
Taste the compare notes such as Luo Yang of as little as Tang Yun, willow thanking childish, Liu Yan, Shao, Lai Chusheng to cooperate.
Individual art exhibition was held in Shanghai art gallery 1984.
In June 1987 " Cheng Yajun picture is chosen " publish by people art publishing house.
Shanghai cloudlet a small room was held 1991 " art exhibition of Cheng Yajun landscape " relieve the people in disaster of sale of work.
2009 " Cheng Yajun of landscape painting home " commemorative picture album by China art world publishing house is published
" inferior gentleman good landscape of the wording and purpose of what one writes " (Tang Yun) " meeting condition connects a god be built accord with the day " " words goes novelty " (Shao Luo Yang) " watch Cheng Yajun landscape painting to have feeling " (Xie Zhi willow)