

Zhou Xuegeng, word dream white, date half buddhist hall is master, person of hill of date Xi Geng, collect lotus to be born, xue Weng. Was born at Suzhou 1957, it is Chinese calligrapher academician now, vice-chairman of association of Suzhou city calligrapher, vice-chairman of couplet of article of the city zone of Suzhou city photograph, chairman of association of calligrapher of photograph the city zone, assistant dean of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of the company austral China.
From a child loves painting and calligraphy, gentleman of heart of Shi Chenghua's person. The book is bent on Han Weishi engraving, charm of post of Yi Haojin the Song Dynasty. The picture learns Shen Zhou, Dong Jichang, Qing Dynasty 4 monks, learn Wu Changshuo, Huang Binhong, Qi Baishi to wait nearly. Calligraphy work attends countrywide book to exhibit for many times, obtain seal cutting of calligraphy of the 7th whole nation to exhibit " countrywide award " . Work is in " People's Daily " , " Rong Baozhai " , " calligraphy signs up for " , " calligraphy gazette " , " Chinese calligraphy " magazine, " Chinese book " , " phoenix picture house " , " of calligraphy, website of the first portal publishs art exhibition of book of network of net of net of art of Chinese calligrapher forum, elegant prosperous, phoenix painting and calligraphy, China for many times and make special subject introduction, the CCTV teachs channel the 3rd set " art soon the world " program emphasis is recommended. Had published " collect of work of Zhou Xuegeng calligraphy " , " Zhou Xuegeng draws volume " etc.
Work is in country and the area such as France, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan to exhibit, be waited for by museum of country of memorial hall of father of Taiwan state-maintaineding country, Colombia unit and individual are collected.