
作品《文成公主》《金秋》、《乡情》《唐人马球图》《金风轻拂》《祥云》等分获文化部当代工笔画大展金奖,国际书画博览会特别金奖,.中国画画家乡国画大展银奖,全国文人画展银奖,中国美协全国中国画大展优秀奖,《风雪驼铃》获中国美协中国画画家提名奖,入展中国美协会员国画精品展,《渔家姐妹》《春华秋实》《家园》《和平之歌》等分获中央电视台荣誉奖,全国书画大展银奖,入展中国美协历年全国中国画大展,获中国美协百家奖 ,入选中国西部大地情全国中国画大展,中国书画名家邀请展,中国美协主办中日水墨交流展,纪念红军长征胜利70周年全国中国画展,纪念抗战胜利六十周年全国中国画展,二十一世纪中国画澳大利亚展,中国最具升值潜力画家邀请展等国内外许多次大型展览,并分别在美国,澳大利亚,日本,马来西亚等地展出,作品编入《中国书画名家作品集》《中日书画名家作品集》《当代工笔画作品集》等数十部作品集,作品被中国中央党校,中央电视台,北京首都机场,澳大利,美国,日本,马来西亚等国内外多家机构及个人收藏。在全国各地多次举办个人展览,出版有个人画集《美术家赵金鹏作品选》《中国当代实力派画家赵金鹏》《美术中国赵金鹏专辑》

Born in 1970, he was a painter at the beginning of his childhood. He is now a member of the Chinese Artists Association. He is a member of the Chinese painting and calligraphy Committee. He is the chairman of the Research Institute of painting and calligraphy, the painter of the Chinese painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, and the director of the Chinese painting and Calligraphy Association. So that many scholars have received many famous scholars' authentic biography, focusing on Chinese painting and writing.
The works "Princess Wencheng", "golden autumn", "nostalgia", "Tang Dynasty polo", "golden breeze" and "auspicious clouds" are awarded the gold medal of the contemporary fine brushwork painting exhibition of the Ministry of culture. The international painting and calligraphy fair is a special gold medal. The silver medal of the national painting and calligraphy exhibition of Chinese painting, the silver award of the national painting exhibition of Chinese artists, the excellent award of the National Exhibition of Chinese painting of the Chinese Artists Association, and the nomination of the Chinese Painting Association by the Chinese Artists Association. In the exhibition, members of the Chinese Artists Association, the "fishermen's sisters", "Chunhua Qiushi", "homeland" and "song of peace" won the honorary award. The national painting and calligraphy exhibition was awarded the silver medal. The exhibition was awarded the 100 awards of the Chinese Artists Association. The Japanese ink and ink exchange exhibition commemorates the 70th anniversary National Chinese painting exhibition of the Red Army's Long March victory, commemorating the 60th anniversary China National Art Exhibition of the war of resistance against Japan, the Australian exhibition of Chinese painting in twenty-first Century, the exhibition of China's most appreciation potential painter invitation, and many other exhibitions at home and abroad, and exhibited in the United States, Australia, Japan, Malaysia and other places. Collection, "collection of works of Chinese and Japanese calligraphy and painting masters", "collection of contemporary fine brushwork", and so on, are collected by Chinese Central Party schools, such as Chinese, central, western, Australian, American, Japanese, and other domestic and international organizations and individuals. Many exhibitions have been held throughout the country. There are personal collections of paintings, selected works by artist Zhao Jinpeng, Chinese contemporary strength painter Zhao Jinpeng, and album of art China Zhao Jinpeng.