
1959年 生于河北宁晋;
1979年 毕业于河北省威县师范学校;
1989年 在河北宁晋创建工笔画艺术工作室;
2005年 进入中国艺术研究院研究生院蒋采萍重彩工作室攻读研究生课程;
2006年 《圣途》入选全国第六届工笔画大展;
2009年 中国美术馆“蒋采萍师生展”;
2010年 河北宁晋李青海师生作品展;
2011年 《藏家》获全国中国画展优秀奖(最高奖);
2012年 入选建军八十五周年全军美展;
2014年 《淘趣》入选第十二届全国美展;
Li Qing sea, the Han nationality, was born at Heibei peaceful advance 1959. Reside Beijing now, for Chinese artist academician, china is versed in strokes learns director.
Was graduated from Heibei to save power county 1979 training school.
In Heibei Ning Jin founded traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail to draw artistic atelier 1989.
Entered Jiang of graduate school of Chinese artistic academy to collect duckweed to weigh colour atelier to assiduously study graduate student course 2005.
Chronological table
Was born at Heibei peaceful advance 1959;
Was graduated from Heibei to save power county 1979 training school;
In Heibei Ning Jin founded traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail to draw artistic atelier 1989;
Entered Jiang of graduate school of Chinese artistic academy to collect duckweed to weigh colour atelier to assiduously study graduate student course 2005;
2006 " holy road " the 6th labour strokes of selected whole nation is exhibited greatly;
2009 Chinese art gallery " Jiang Caiping's teachers and students is exhibited " ;
Work of teachers and students of Qinghai of Heibei Ning Jin plum was exhibited 2010;
2011 " Tibetan home " the traditional Chinese painting in winning the throughout the country exhibits outstanding award (top prize) ;
" flourishing age " a hunderd schools of selected Jin Ling;
" player " obtain the whole nation to be versed in strokes exhibits special grade award greatly the 8th times " ;
Selected 2012 found an army 85 years beauty of horse and foot is exhibited;
2013 " brush and ink is gigantic wild " a person of academic or artistic distinction of Chinese painting and calligraphy invites exhibit;
" walk into Na Yue " a person of academic or artistic distinction of Chinese painting and calligraphy invites exhibit;
" tax an interest " selected art exhibition of China of the 4th whole nation;
2014 " tax an interest " selected dozenth the United States exhibits a whole nation;
Bear the palm
2013 " tax an interest " selected art exhibition of China of the 4th whole nation;
Selected 2012 found an army 85 years beauty of horse and foot is exhibited;
2011 " flourishing age " a hunderd schools of selected Jin Ling;
" Tibetan home " the traditional Chinese painting in winning the throughout the country exhibits outstanding award (top prize) ;
" player " obtain the whole nation to be versed in strokes exhibits special grade award greatly the 8th times;
2006 " holy road " the 6th labour strokes of selected whole nation is exhibited greatly;