获奖纪录:《淅沥度秋声》获全国第四届中国画线描艺术展最高奖(中国美术家协会主办)《我的中国梦之高铁到我家》获“中国陶都,陶醉中国”吴冠中艺术馆第二届全国中国画作品展最高奖(中国美术家协会主办)《悠悠叶家湾》获首届“八大山人”全国山水画展最高奖(中国美术家协会主办)《秋溪出山》获“中国梦·黄山魂”全国山水画(中国画)作品展最高奖(中国美术家协会主办)《秋染叶家湾之二》获2015年全国中国画作品展最高奖(中国美术家协会主办)《煦煦秋风拂家山》获重温经典“第二届娄东(太仓)全国中国画(山水画)作品展最高奖(中国美术家协会主办)参加全国美展入选纪录:《桂山清秋》入选“塞上明珠·美丽宁夏”第八届中国西部大地情中国画、油画作品展(中国美术家协会主办)《秋日纳远风》入选金陵文脉,全国中国画作品展(中国美术家协会主办)《一夜秋雨洗天明》入选吉祥草原.丹青鹿城——2014年全国中国画作品展(中国美术家协会主办)《动车穿越万重山》入选2014“万年浦江”全国中国画作品展(中国美术家协会主办)《悠悠叶家湾系列之二》入选纪念扬州2500周年城庆——丹青扬州全国中国画作品展(中国美术家协会主办)《悠悠叶家湾系列之三》入选“美丽新丝路、翰墨定西行”全国中国画、油画作品展(中国美术家协会主办)《秋喧》入选第二届“朝圣敦煌”全国美术作品展(中国美术家协会主办)《弯弯叶家湾》入选第二届庆祝新中国成立66周年·“多彩贵州”全国中国画作品展(中国美术家协会主办)《秋到叶家湾》入选纪念潘絜兹诞辰100周年全国中国画作品展(中国美术家协会主办)《溪山秋语》入选2015“古蜀文脉 墨韵天府”——全国中国画作品展(中国美术家协会主办)学术邀请展:2014年参加国际水墨邀请展(北京)2014年参加“十里草坪,千年文脉”中国画名家邀请展(桂林)2014年参加中国五十家条屏艺术名家邀请展(北京)2015年参加“发现雁山”广西书画名家邀请展(桂林)多幅作品参加拍卖并成交,作品被国内外美术馆、博物馆、中国美术家协会及知名人士收藏。作品发表及出版:作品在《中国美术》、《画界》、《美术大观》、《中国画苑》、《国画家》、《美术报》、《中国书画报》等多家专业美术杂志发表及评述.曾出版《叶善华山水画作品集》
Xie Shanhua, was born at Guangxi Guilin 1981, book of practice of from a child, early or late master wait for a gentleman from Wen Xinjun, Li Dongming, Zhang Xian, it is Chinese artist academician now, its traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy work for many times selected whole nation and exhibition of the class that visit town attend countrywide beauty to extend record of bear the palm: " the sound of rain spends Qiu Sheng " obtain the 4th China of countrywide to draw line drawing art to exhibit top prize (Chinese artist association is sponsorred) " the Gao Tie of my Chinese dream reachs my home " obtain " Chinese Tao Dou, be intoxicated China " work of the 2nd traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation exhibits house of Wu Guanzhong art top prize (Chinese artist association sponsors) " leisurely Xie Jiawan " obtain first " person of 8 big hill " countrywide landscape painting exhibits top prize (: " laurel Shan Qingqiu " selected " Ningxia of beauty of · of the bright phearl on a place of strategic importance " the 8th China western the traditional Chinese painting in earth affection, canvas work is exhibited (Chinese artist association is sponsorred) " autumn day Na Yuanfeng " selected Jinling, work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited (Chinese artist association is sponsorred) " one night Qiu Yu washs dawn " selected and lucky prairie. Painting deer city -- was work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation exhibited 2014 (is Chinese artist association sponsorred) " does motor-car pass through 10 thousand heavy hill " selected 2014 " all ages Pu Jiang " does countrywide China draw work to exhibit (is Chinese artist association sponsorred) " leisurely Xie Jiawan Government office of weather of Chinese ink charm " -- work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation exhibits (Chinese artist association sponsors) learning invites exhibit: Attended international water Chinese ink to invite 2014 exhibit (Beijing) attended 2014 " 10 lis of lawn, chiliad article arteries and veins " Chinese picture a person of academic or artistic distinction invites exhibit (Guilin) attended China 2014 50 a person of academic or artistic distinction invites a screen art exhibit (Beijing) attended 2015 " discover wild goose hill " a person of academic or artistic distinction of Guangxi painting and calligraphy invites exhibit (Guilin) many work attends an auction and clinch a deal, work is reached to know a personage to collect by association of artist of domestic and international art gallery, museum, China. Work publishs reach publish: Work is in " Chinese art " , " picture bound " , " art grand sight " , " China draws center " , " home of traditional Chinese painting " , " art signs up for " , " Chinese painting and calligraphy signs up for " wait for many major. Ever published " collect of work of Xie Shanhua landscape painting "