Be born at tung cottage, word day easy, person, Jiang Dongsan realizes date Fu Chunshan. One's early years learns a picture along with leaf of Chen Ji, Hu Jin, army brigade painter. Xie Jian suffers to grant to show instruction after. You Jing takes Pan Tianshou to make the quality and style that the picture is an upright person then, learn and when of be used to. Be not moved flightily for affairs of human life.
Inchoate work is entered many times exhibit and other places of the Anhui province and province of horse and foot, Jiangsu, Zhejiang province. On the century is rich and generous Fu Chunjiang at the beginning of 80 time district culture place is intoxicated, infiltration ploughs at pen agrarian Chinese ink, blend at mountain area folk, clean calm enrages a picture to be an upright person 30 years. All taste affairs of human life of 100 condition delighted, saving material many times is fortune, ups and downs of altar of suitable for a painting of very few interpose. Year close a cycle of sixty years meets flourishing age, square abide by is like job of paint of path of be buried alive with the dead.