何阿平(美术创作),云南会员。现为云南艺术学院美术学院教育系中国画专业教师 1、2012年《绿色长城——生生不息》(入选)“庆祝中国人民解放军建军85周年全国美术作品展暨第12届全军美术作品展” 。 2、2013年《喜看硕果挂枝头》(入选)“工•在当代——2013第九届中国工笔画作品展”。 3、2014年《雨林物语——夏雨时节》(入选)“七彩云南——中国美术作品展”。
He aping (art creation), member of Yunnan Province. He is now a professional teacher of Chinese painting in the Education Department of Fine Arts College of Yunnan art college. 1. In 2012, the green Great Wall: endless growth (selected) "national art exhibition and the 12th military art exhibition celebrating the 85th anniversary of the founding of the PLA" 2. In 2013, I like to see the fruits hanging on the branches (selected), "work in the contemporary era - 2013 the 9th China fine brushwork Exhibition" 3. 2014 rainforest story - summer rain season (selected) "Colorful Yunnan - Chinese art works exhibition".