
李永宏 ,字:永华, 笔名: 阿宏、阿虹、十八子、咏宏、咏虹,号:粗钵斋主、咏虹阁主,复员军旅书画家。1968年生于四川省眉山市仁寿县,13岁开始拜师学艺, 1987年10月入伍,本科学历,获学士学位。后又深造于中央美术学院、清华大学,得到众多名师悉心教扶。曾在西藏军区、成都军区从事美术工作15年,2002年被聘为《中国书画报》特约记者、2004年被聘为成都《文化生活报书画艺术》副主编、2005年被聘为中国美术学院考级中心院外辅导教师,曾主持策划并组织实施过多项大型艺术活动。现为眉山华夏书画艺术研究院院长、眉山东坡文化艺术研究会会长、眉山画院顾问、成都书画艺术研究院副院长、香港文化艺术出版社顾问、《诗书画辑赏》主编、中国国画家协会理事、中国书画艺术委员会会员、中国硬笔书法协会会员、四川省美术家协会会员、成都市美术家协会会员、成都市书法家协会会员、眉山市美术家协会理事、大阪国际书道会荣誉理事。

Plum? Always? Grand? Art? Art? Pass? Summary
Li Yonghong? , word: ? : of pseudonym of late ? ? ? A Hong, A Hong, 18 child, chant grand, the rainbow that chant, date: Fast of thick earthen bowl advocate, cabinet of the rainbow that chant advocate, be demobilized home of army brigade painting and calligraphy. Was born at Sichuan to save county of benevolence life of eyebrow hill town 1968, 13 years old begin to do obeisance to Shi Xueyi, ? In October 1987 enrollment, undergraduate course record of formal schooling, obtain bachelor's degree. Take advanced courses again after at university of central academy of fine arts, Tsinghua, get numerous name division teachs wholeheartedly help up. Ever was engaged in art working 15 years in Tibetan military region, Chengdu military region, was hired to be 2002 " Chinese book pictorial " reporter of engage by special arrangement, was hired to be Chengdu 2004 " culture life newspaper? Painting and calligraphy is artistic " subeditor, the teacher coachs outside was being hired to be Chinese academy of fine arts to take an examination of class center courtyard 2005, ever upheld a plan and the organization has carried out multinomial and large artistic activity. It is art of painting and calligraphy of eyebrow hill an ancient name for China now painting and calligraphy of adviser of imperial art academy of hill of chairman of seminar of art of culture of slope of Shandong of academy dean, eyebrow, eyebrow, Chengdu is artistic art of culture of academy assistant dean, Hong Kong press adviser, " collect of poetic painting and calligraphy is admired " director of association of home of traditional Chinese painting of chief editor, China, medium.
The work of painting and calligraphy of Mr Li Yonghong ever attended sale of work of domestic relieve the people in stricken area and domestic and international make one's rounds to exhibit for many times, be bought to hide by numerous unit and individual. Ever wrote down in liberation army the General Political Department, China assist, book of association of collector of Chinese painting and calligraphy, China assist, China is beautiful assist, the horse and foot that ministry of culture of bureau of cultural relic of Chinese article couplet, country, country holds, whole nation and internationally painting and calligraphy is exhibited greatly medium selected bear the palm, in " People's Daily " , " Chinese youth signs up for " , " martial correspondent " , " ethical illustrated magazine or newspaper " , " Chinese travel signs up for " , " legal daily " , " people public security signs up for " , " China draws research " , " China, name of celebrity of art of painting and calligraphy of Ceng Huoguo border. Work and artistic biography brief are entered carry " Ba Shanshu water " , " biography of Chinese youth artist " , " big dictionary of artist of Chinese painting and calligraphy " , " collect of painting and calligraphy of Chinese buddhist Buddha " , " art of Chinese contemporary culture. Ever got for many times commend, 4 times flourish establishs third class meritorious service, be judged to be outstanding communist, outstanding artist, outstanding painting and calligraphy to coach teacher, obtained government of people of eyebrow hill city to issue 2006 " east slope is literary award " first prize. Broadcasting station of broadcast of broadcasting station of the broadcasting station of central people broadcast, acoustical broadcast broadcasting station of channel, Sichuan people broadcast, Tibet people, " does China draw research " , " ethical illustrated magazine or newspaper " , " does the liberation army sign up for " , " martial correspondent " , " does Chinese art sign up for " , " China? Painting and calligraphy is artistic " , " Chengdu art " , " Tibetan daily " , " amphibious talent signs up for " , " southwest economy daily " , " news is reported " , " reform and open " , " art and literary circles of painting and calligraphy signs up for " , " national defence times " , " . Publish have " anthology of rough sketch of Li Yonghong paint from life " , " work of the traditional Chinese painting in Li Yonghong is chosen " .
Address of communication and liaison of Mr Li Yonghong: Business of town of hill of Sichuan province eyebrow China street 23 1, 211 mailbox? ? ? ? Postcode: 620010? ? ? ?
Phone: 0833, 8399482, ? 013890324234