生于西安市,湖北云梦人。1967年毕业于西安美术学院。国家一级画家。曾在陕西文物系统、陕西美协工作。现任陕西省美术家协会主席、陕西历史博物馆副馆长、唐墓壁画研究中心主任。作品曾赴美国、加拿大、日本、澳大利亚、捷克等国及香港、澳门、台湾等地区展出。作品有《小白花》、《乐而乐》等。先后出版有《花鸟小景》、《方鄂秦装饰花卉作品》、《方鄂秦画集》等画册。中国美术馆、毛主席纪念堂、中南海、人民大会堂以及国外部分纪念馆、博物馆对其作品均有收藏。由他创作的陈列在人民大会堂陕西厅的大型绘绣壁画《唐乐舞》,制作精良,富丽堂皇,受到普遍好评,获中国美术作品百花奖一等奖、优秀创作设计一等奖。? 方鄂秦所绘山水、花鸟即有中国传统画传统,又融入西方绘画之长,豪放精美,富丽雅静,装饰趣味浓厚,具有自己的独特风格,深得石鲁、黄永玉等大家的赞赏。
Be born at Xi'an city, person of Hubei cloud dream. Was graduated from Xi'an academy of fine arts 1967. Country one class painter. Ever was in beauty of system of Shaanxi cultural relic, Shaanxi assist the job. Currently hold the post ofShaanxi to visit museum of history of artist association chairman, Shaanxi deputy curator, the Tang Dynasty director of grave mural research center. Area of and other places of country and the Hong Kong such as United States of work Ceng Fu, Canada, Japan, Australia, Czech, Macao, Taiwan exhibits. Work has " Xiaobai is beautiful " , " happy and happy " etc. Publish early or late have " Xiaojing of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style " , " Fang Eqin decorates flowers work " , " Fang Eqin draws volume " wait for an album of paintings. Memorial hall of Chinese art gallery, Chairman Mao, medium hall of congress of Nanhai, people and foreign part memorial hall, museum all has to its work collect. Display the mural of large draw embroider in hall of Shaanxi of people congress hall by what he creates " Tang Le dance " , make excellent, gorgeous, get general reputably, win Chinese art work first prize of 100 beautiful award, outstanding creative work designs first prize. ? Landscape of draw of place of the Qin Dynasty of square another name for Hubei province, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style has Chinese tradition to draw a tradition namely, blend in the length with painterly west again, bold and unconstrained is elegant, richly elegant static, adornment interest is strong, have oneself distinctive color, get the admiration of the everybody such as Shi Lu, Huang Yongyu greatly.