Han learns civil, pseudonym Chinese article, adviser of graduate student of professor of Ningxia university academy of fine arts, Master; Chinese artist academician; Director of Ningxia artist association, China draws art appoint conference vice director; House of research of Ningxia Rearch Institute of Culture and History member; Central academy of fine arts is advanced visit scholar; Painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of imperial art academy of Hong Kong international is drawn art appoint meeting vice-chairman.
Major painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, hold landscape of arrogate to oneself concurrently. Work attends countrywide beauty to exhibit for many times, be in Ningxia, Gansu Province, Shandong, Guangdong early or late, inside unconscious and other places holds art exhibition. Work country be waitinged for by Japan, United States, Norway, learned society and the individual such as Chinese country museum are collected. Went to American division collect to pull much university to have academic communication on invitation 2008. Publish have " Han learns article painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style to draw volume " , " Han learns Wen Shan water to draw volume " , " paint from life of picture of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style and creation " wait for composing. Publish paper early or late more than 10. The paper obtains art of college of whole nation of Ministry of Education to teach scientific paper second-class award. Manage the scientific research project such as education of Ningxia college art and immaterial culture bequest, be protected in what cliff of congratulate orchid hill draws and study a respect to make outstanding contribution.