
李全武 (1957.1—)湖北黄岗人。擅长油画、连环画。1981年毕业于湖北艺术学院美术分部,1982年在中央美术学院油画系进修,后担任湖北艺术学院美术教师。现旅居美国。作品有《禁锢年代》、《途中》。连环画《月牙儿》(合作)获第六届全国美展金奖、第三届全国连环画评奖绘画一等荣誉奖等瑞士国际美术展—荣誉奖;第二届中国民族青年艺术家作品展铜奖。

Li Quanwu (1957.1, ) Hubei Huang Gang's person. Be good at canvas, comic. Was graduated from branch of art of Hubei art institute 1981, canvas of centrally academy of fine arts tied take a refresher course 1982, teacher of art of Hubei art institute is held the position of after. Show reside abroad United States. Work has " confine time " , " in road " . Comic " crescent moon " (collaboration) obtain beauty of the 6th whole nation to exhibit decide on awards through discussion of comic of the 3rd gold prize, whole nation to draw international art exhibits the Switzerland such as first-class honor award, honorary award; Work of artist of young person of people of the 2nd China exhibits cupreous award.
Exhibit: American new York: GrandCentralArtGalleries; American Boston: AdamHouseGalleries; 3 city of American: TheMontgomeryGallery and work of Taipei acme gallery are exhibited.