Shuang Daojun, person of Hubei day door. Politics work division. Party member of the Communist Party of China. Was graduated from central Party school to teach by correspondence 1993 institute, 1995 attend in a advanced studies at central academy of fine arts. Currently hold the post ofiron director of recreation of 20 bureaus culture, association of the highroad artist is standing director, the highroad woodcut learns a vice-chairman, chinese edition association member, the member that Shaanxi saves beautiful association. Joined the army 1970, be engaged in army film showing the work 14 years, flourish establishs third class meritorious service 3 times. Ever guided railway corps 1982 flourish of line of 10 division movie establishs collective and second-class meritorious service, be judged to be by the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army " horse and foot is outstanding movie line " . To the railway ministry along with army collective be transferred to civilian work labour union of bureau of the 20th project was engaged in worker culture working in January 1984. Led team journey in September 1990 more than 10000 kilometers, arrive to be in dispersedly L1 the global work place of the autonomous county that visit town holds building site itinerate to exhibit for the worker, be built head office by Chinese railroad commend to save the United States with Shaanxi assist recognition. The woodcut work of creation ever obtained the 9th " the highroad art exhibition " silver medal award, the 10th " the highroad art exhibition " bronze medal award, eleventh " the highroad art exhibition " special grade award, shaanxi saves the 4th woodcut to exhibit outstanding work reward, shaanxi saves photography of worker painting and calligraphy to exhibit silver medal award, woodcut " the people that wears hill " art exhibition of the 14th edition of selected whole nation, " connect Asia-Europe " art exhibition of edition of the 4th industry of selected whole nation.
Main write: Published a paper 1993 " company culture construction is shallow talk " , this article is enrolled in succession " trailblazer paper is pithy " , " library of research of science of Chinese modern business management " , " Chinese century develops article talking is greatly " , " library of Chinese society science " wait for a book. Published a paper 1997 " discuss about what deficit enterprise relies on worker masses to walk out of trough " , and by income " Chinese reform and development paper scan " wait for a book. Art work ever was published at " art " , " the Workers'Daily " , " ethical illustrated magazine or newspaper " , " people railroad signs up for " , " Beijing on the weekend " , " Chinese railroad builds a journal " wait for the press, and by income " collect of work of art exhibition of edition of the 14th whole nation " , " collect of work of the highroad art exhibition " , " collect of high-quality goods of photography of painting and calligraphy of Shaanxi province worker " wait for an album of paintings.