王宝柱 (1934.3—)别名夏农,河南偃师人。50年代初,曾在新疆维吾尔自治区总工会、新疆工人报社、新疆日报社编辑部工作。1955—1993年在伊犁日报社汉文编辑部任美术编辑工作。中国美术家协会会员、中国版画家协会会员、伊犁美协常务理事、伊犁版画研究会副会长。主要作品有:套色版画《边塞雄鹰》1977年在北京参加庆祝建军50周年美术作品展。套色版画《塞上八月》曾在北京、西安等地参加展出,后被入《1993台北——新疆版画大展画集》。黑白版画《晚炊》1987年在乌鲁木齐市参加伊犁版画展,后刊于《版画世界》。辞条载入《中国美术家大辞典》、《中国当代美术家人名录》、《中国当艺术界名人录》等。
Wang Baozhu (1934.3, ) alias Xia Nong, person of Henan cease division. At the beginning of 50 time, ever was in editorial office of company of daily of newspaper office of worker of federation of trade unions of The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Xinjiang, Xinjiang works. 1955, in company of Yi Li daily Han Wen editorial office held the post of art to edit the job 1993. Academician of Chinese artist academician, Chinese edition painter, Yi Li is beautiful assist vice-chairman of seminar of woodcut of standing director, Yi Li. Main work has: Chromatically woodcut " frontier fortress lanneret " attended in Beijing 1977 celebrate found an army 50 years art work is exhibited. Chromatically woodcut " on a place of strategic importance in August " and other places of Ceng Zaibei Beijing, Xi'an attends showpiece, be entered after " 1993 Taipei -- Xinjiang woodcut extends picture market greatly " . Black and white woodcut " late cook a meal " art exhibition of Yi Li edition entered in Urumqi city 1987, hind print at " woodcut world " . Demit load " Chinese artist big dictionary " , " directory of family of Chinese contemporary art " , " China is become artistic bound blue book " etc.