Zhang Huazhong (1951.12) Hainan Oriental, autonomy of Chinese Taiwan democracy is met federally leaguer. Be good at labour strokes, landscape painting.
Attain record label makes an appointment with academician of artist of division of artist, high art, China, hainan saves artist association director, hainan saves vice-chairman of seminar of Chinese landscape painting, hainan saves chairman of labour strokes seminar, hainan saves assistant dean of ethical imperial art academy, eastern city is beautiful assist chairman, curator of house of eastern city culture.
Team of culture of Oriental 1973 county holds the post of art design, successor county fines jade troupe dance beauty is designed, cadre of art of prefectural culture house.
Was graduated from art of central nation institute to fasten major of traditional Chinese painting 1990, was graduated from China of Chinese artistic academy to draw advanced research class 1998.
Its work " moon music " selected souvenir speech publishs beauty of 50 years of whole nations to exhibit, " new sound " , " moon music " selected the 9th times new personality is made newly exhibit, " phoenix of fire of goosefoot stockaded village " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited, " the song in the heart " art exhibition of book of selected world Chinese. Work is entered make up many national large an album of paintings, biography brief enrolls " Chinese artist dictionary " wait for a variety of dictionary.
Work parts to choose association of artist of culture ministry, China to sponsor " commemorate Comrade Mao Zedong ' in Yan'an literary informal discussion speaks ' publish beauty of 50 years of whole nations to exhibit " , " the 9th new personality of countrywide is made newly exhibit " , " art of painting and calligraphy of the Chinese nation is exhibited.
Orgnaization of art be waitinged for by memorial hall of artistic academy of culture ministry, China, Xu Beihong, People's Daily collects work;
Work is obtained " 5 one project " Hainan saves highest grade award of outstanding spirit product two, obtain Hainan to save the United States to exhibit first prize for many times;
Work by national level more than 20 the press, pictorial section of a newspaper is published, have only edition review;
Publish " collect of Zhang Huazhong work " .