Wang Jinxia: ? ? censures ? illuminates tadpole ? ? group v/LIT an amphora-like jar casts bad to flatter г of Xian of account of б of Gou of ù of Mu of ⑺ of А of Gou of hole of Ψ of free time ┦ writings brush け of ? of discharge of V of arc of ? of cultivate of ⒒ Ge be jealous of sails fleabane of ? Щ Yi protects bright Qiong of ∶ of Fu of ? food container to lean on ? Yi fleabane. China is drawn " inferior Lu Wang. Dong Lang children " obtain dozenth countrywide beauty exhibits choose to exhibit Guizhou Province art to exhibit a gold prize greatly. Work " step a song " with Na Yucheng collaboration obtains the 7th minority work of 100 beautiful award exhibits a gold prize. " vernal blessing " obtain the 8th whole nation to be versed in strokes exhibits outstanding award greatly. " green " obtain line drawing of the 3rd whole nation to exhibit outstanding award. " plum arrowroot dance person " learning of society of the traditional Chinese painting in obtaining first exhibits outstanding award. " the seedling wishs " selected work of art of colorful Guizhou China is exhibited south 7 pink clouds; Work " butterfly love fragrant humble " " Tang Fengqing charm " wait for work to be collected by important orgnaization.