1999年作品《大山的脊梁》获《甘肃省美术作品展》一等奖,2000年作品《走向阳光》在中国美协主办的《世纪·中国风情——全国中国画作品展》中获铜奖,2000年作品《雪域丰碑》在中国美协主办的《新世纪全国中国画、书法精品大展》中获优秀奖 ,2000年作品《圣地的回音》入选中国美协主办的((2000年全国中国画作品展),2000年作品《金太阳》入选中国美协主办的《亚亨杯全国绘画书法精品大展》,2001年作品《大山的脊梁》在中国美协主办的《二十一世纪中国画澳大利亚展》中获银奖,2002年作品《黄河源》入选纪念毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表60周年《全国美术作品展》,2002年作品《高原情》入选中国美协主办的《“西部辉煌”全国中国画作品提名展》,2003年作品《圣地·阳光》入选中国美协主办的《欢庆十六大——中国西部大地情——中国画大展》,,2004年作品《雪野清音》入选由中国文化部和中国美协主办的《第十届全国美术作品展览》,2004年作品《雪野清音》,获《甘肃省美术作品展》特等奖,2005年作品《沉冬的希望》在中国文学艺术基金会、中国美术馆主办的“黎昌杯”《全国青年中国画年展》中获三等作品,2005年作品《期盼》入选由中国美协主办的《2005年中国百家金陵画展》并收藏,2005年作品《初雪》在中国美协主办的《2005年全国中国画作品展》中获优秀作品,2006年作品《风雪归》在中国美协主办的《第三届“菜乡情”全国百家中国画邀请展》中获优秀作品,2006年作品《祈盼》入选中国美协主办的《第三届“菜乡情”全国百家中国画邀请展》,2006年作品《沉冬的希望》在《美术》杂志2006第5期发表.
Wang Wancheng, born in Lanzhou in 1965, graduated from the Department of fine arts of Northwest Normal University in 1988. He is now the vice president, associate professor and graduate supervisor of the school of fine arts of Northwest University for nationalities, the director of Lanzhou Art Association, the vice president of Western Academy of painting, Jincheng Academy of painting and Gucheng Academy of painting, the member of China Art Education Promotion Association, and the member of Gansu Art Association. His works have won many awards in national and provincial art exhibitions. Mr. Feng Yuan, vice chairman of the Chinese Federation of literary and art circles, member of the Party group, Secretary of the Secretariat, vice chairman of the Chinese Artists Association, vice director of the Chinese Painting Art Committee and doctoral supervisor of the Chinese Academy of art.
In 1999, his work "the backbone of the mountain" won the first prize of Gansu fine arts exhibition. In 2000, his work "towards the sunshine" won the bronze prize in "century · Chinese style -- National Exhibition of Chinese painting works" sponsored by China Art Association. In 2000, his work "Snowy monument" won the excellent prize in "National Exhibition of Chinese painting and calligraphy in the new century" sponsored by China Art Association. In 2000, his work "Saint" The echo of the land was selected into the National Exhibition of Chinese painting sponsored by China Artists Association (2000), the golden sun was selected into the National Exhibition of fine painting and calligraphy of aheng cup sponsored by China Artists Association in 2000, the back of the mountain in 2001 won the silver medal in the Australian exhibition of Chinese painting in the 21st century sponsored by China Artists Association, and the source of the Yellow River in 2002 was selected to commemorate Mao Zedong. The 60th anniversary of the speech at the Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium was held in the national art works exhibition. In 2002, the work "plateau feeling" was selected into the "Western brilliance" national Chinese painting works Nomination Exhibition sponsored by the China Art Association. In 2003, the work "holy land · sunshine" was selected into the "celebration of the 16th National Congress of the people's Republic of China - Western China earth feeling - Chinese Painting Exhibition" sponsored by the China Art Association. In 2004, the work《 Xueye Qingyin was selected into the 10th National Art Works Exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of culture of China and China Art Association. In 2004, Xueye Qingyin won the special prize of Gansu art works exhibition. In 2005, the hope of winter won the third prize in the National Youth Chinese painting annual exhibition sponsored by China literature and art foundation and China Art Museum. In 2005, Xueye Qingyin won the third prize in the National Youth Chinese painting annual exhibition. In 2005, the work "Hope" was selected and collected in the 2005 China hundred Jinling paintings exhibition sponsored by the China Artists Association. In 2005, the work "early snow" won excellent works in the 2005 National Chinese painting exhibition sponsored by the China Artists Association. In 2006, the work "return to the wind and snow" won excellent works in the third "cuixiangqing" national hundred Chinese Painting Invitation Exhibition sponsored by the China Artists Association. In 2006, the work "return to the snow" won excellent works. The work "I hope" was selected into the third "food and countryside" national hundred Chinese painting Invitational Exhibition sponsored by China Art Association. In 2006, the work "hope of deep winter" was published in the fifth issue of art magazine in 2006.