

Wei Zijiang, unripe 1942, person of county of Gansu Province badge. Academy of fine arts of northwest Normal University is taught, the Master lays a teacher, assistant dean of academy of painting and calligraphy of the Gansu Province, chinese artist academician. Northwest division large painting fastened undergraduate course to graduate 1966, master graduate student graduated 1982, stay after graduation school teach.
Circumstance of work bear the palm:
On the century ever created traditional Chinese painting, New Year picture, poster, comic seventies.
Work " trumpet arms " , " torrent flies swiftly upward " , " liberation army zip arrives our village " , " all trades and professions is neat arouse, work energetically agriculture makes contribution " etc, publish by publishing house of Gansu Province art, issue northwest 5 provinces and whole nation.
Painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style changes to picture creation after, work " crane " , " Qiu Xing " , " the winter is interesting " , " hedge edge " etc in " art " on publish, publish at the same time " the creation that Tan Shanye painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style draws " paper.
" the affection in snow " attend countrywide custom to draw large award competition to win creation award
" Qiu Yun " attend first teacher's day beauty to exhibit win second-class award, and in northwest 5 provinces exhibit
" fetch is the Great Wall " attend Canada to hold " Great Wall eulogy " international water Chinese ink is exhibited greatly win creation award, 12 papers are published at saving journal of science of ministry class key, win first prize of paper of science of society of philosophy of college of the Gansu Province.
Publish " Wei self-improvement painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style draws volume " reach " work of Wei Zijiang painting and calligraphy " two collect.
Vocabulary entry enrolls " big dictionary of celebrity of Chinese contemporary artist " , " blue book of group of Chinese contemporary art " etc.