
曾向北京市残疾人协会,青岛市少年福利基金会,湖南省残疾人福利基金会捐献作品多幅,其事迹分别在《人民日报》、《阳光日报》等报刊上介绍。1987年10应邀赴日本为庆祝中日恢复邦交10周年举行的现场笔会作画,1987年11月应邀赴马来西亚参加国际博览会,向马来西亚西山机构捐画50余幅。 他出生时,齐白石先生已是75岁高龄的老人,因此,齐白石先生给他的这个儿子,也即是他人生的最后一个儿子,取名时在良字后加一“末”字。齐良末出生时,白石老人在日记中写道:“二十六日寅时,钟表乃三点二十一分也,生一子,名曰良末,字纪牛,号耋根。”齐白石还在良末的命册上批道:“字以纪牛者,牛,丑也,记丁丑年怀胎也。号以耋根者八十为耋,吾年八十,尚留此根苗也。”齐白石老人对他的这个小儿子特别钟爱,夫人宝珠难产去世后,他就一直将良末带在身边。
齐良末8岁时,齐白石老人就开始手把手地教他绘画,还专门为他制作了作画的范本。10岁时,父亲教他画的《钟馗捉鬼图》备受人称赞。良末先生自幼受父亲熏陶,聪颖勤奋,经过多年努力,他对中国画的构思极富特色,他笔下的鱼、虾、昆虫等艺术形象极富齐白石老人的风范,其画功与齐白石极为相似,因此他被许多喜爱收藏齐白石绘画作品的日本友人誉为“小齐白石”。 齐良末先生在艺术上牢记父亲的“学我者生,似我者死”的教导,吸取了齐派艺术的精髓,在父亲的基础上,始创了“红花墨叶”的画法,把齐派艺术推向了另一个高峰,为齐派艺术的发展作出了重要贡献。2003年“非典”期间,他的哥哥齐良迟先生在北京去世后,在齐派艺术的第二代传人中只有齐良末先生一人了。
Male, the Han nationality, hunan Xiangtan person, was born at Beijing 1938. Famous artist, china draws seminar member, member of seminar of Beijing painting and calligraphy, beijing disabled association is advisory, art of group of the island in Hainan is advisory. Fasten neat white Shi Youzi, maternal Hu Baozhu is Qi Baishi's second wife. From a child learns a picture along with father, attack landscape, character, flowers, pursue manner style. Went to Japan to be on invitation in October 1981 celebrate Sino-Japanese the spot pen that restores diplomatic relations 15 years to hold can make a picture, to Malaysia charity the orgnaization gives a picture 50.
Ever association of disabled of northerly capital city, welfare fund of Qingdao city teenager is met, welfare fund of Hunan Province disabled is met alms work is much, its achievement is in respectively " People's Daily " , " sunshine daily " wait for the introduction on the press. 1987 10 go to Japan to be on invitation celebrate Sino-Japanese the spot pen that restores diplomatic relations 10 years to hold can make a picture, went to Malaysia to play international fair on invitation in November 1987, contribute a picture to orgnaization of Malaysia west hill more than 50. When he is born, mr Qi Baishi already was 75 years old of senile old people, accordingly, mr Qi Baishi gives this his son, also be the last son with strange another person namely, when naming, add after fine word one " end " word. When neat fine end is born, white stone old person writes in the diary: "26 days of the period of the day from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. , horological therefore 3:21 also, unripe one child, the name says fine end, word period is arrogant, date Die root. " Qi Baishi returns the lot in fine end book on approve: "Word with Ji Niu person, arrogant, ugly also, write down Ding Chou year be pregnant also. Date with Die root person 80 for Die, I year 80, still take this root and shoot also. " old person of neat white stone is right this his young son is special dote on, madam treasure bead after difficult labor dies, he is fine end zone all the time beside.
When neat fine end is 8 years old, old person of neat white stone begins handgrip hand ground to teach him brushwork, made the model for painting that makes a picture technically still for him. When 10 years old, father teachs him the painting " Zhong Kui catchs ghost to pursue " get person support fully. From a child of fine end gentleman suffers father edification, bright and assiduous, the course tries hard for years, he conceives extremely rich characteristic to what China draws, the artistic image such as the fish of his the wording and purpose of what one writes, shrimp, insect is extremely rich the wind of old person of neat white stone model, its picture result and neat white stone are very similar, accordingly he by the Japanese friend that a lot of loving that collect Qi Baishi paint praise for " small Qi Baishi " . Artistically of gentleman of neat fine end remembers father well " the person that learn me is unripe, the person that be like me is dead " teach, absorbed the marrow that sends art together, on father's foundation, only then achieved " leaf of safflower Chinese ink " brushwork, choose neat clique art to another height, made important contribution to send artistic development together. 2003 " SARS " during, his elder brother Mr Qi Liangchi dies in Beijing hind, in neat clique artistic the 2nd generation passes philtrum to have one person of gentleman of neat fine end only.
Gentleman of neat fine end serves as a painter, like his father, besides art, he cares other of society, care more. Chun Xiazhi was handed in 2003, when " SARS " in the indulge in wilful persecution on Chinese earth when, gentleman of neat fine end answers " Lanzhou morning paper " of company and center of Gansu treasure art invite Lai Lanju to do book art exhibition, place of sale of work generosity of money of carry out painting and calligraphy takes out 30 thousand yuan, and scale of the same night work of 15 painting and calligraphy, send the total hospital of Lanzhou military region that expedites medical personnel to go to patient of Beijing cure SARS, army the first hospital and orchid sky hospital, give the medical worker that fights blame a gleam of by hospital make a present of sth given to one, fight the military medical personnel that is not a gleam of in order to support. Before this matter period of time, gentleman of neat fine end is informed a kin in Liaoning toxic occupy hospital, be badly in need of first aid of much ready money, demur of fine end gentleman did not say, take out 60 thousand yuan quickly from the bank personally, hurry to Beijing hastily on the west Wai Street post and telecommunications office, assistant of request post and telecommunications office helps him collect remit money Liaoning inside 2 hours. The hospital sends instantly after Liaoning kin gets this money, via doctor rescue, patient eventually take a turn to be out of danger. After the event, gentleman of neat fine end created a picture to be given designedly on the west Wai Street post and telecommunications office, thanks to this bureau assistant.
In a few years hammer into shape below, his art acceded father's legacy, be good at drawing water cuttlefish shrimp, insect, especially shrimp, his be apt to uses splash-ink, the wind that has white stone old person extremely model. And he only then those who achieve " safflower Mo Xie " brushwork, it is the marrow of Qi Jiahua wind, push wind of neat style picture to another height.