

Was born in city of Anqing of the Anhui province to look at river county in September 1980; Read early or late at art of academy of fine arts of Normal University of Tianjin beautiful courtyard, capital, liberation army academic art is fastened; It is Chinese artist academician now, china is beautiful assist woodcut art appoint meeting learning secretary, 81 art gallery show department head. Work is in " art " " Chinese woodcut " " contemporary art " " magazine carrying a layer on the head " " the Asia is artistic " " barback culture heaven and earth " " calligraphy of liberation army art " etc army publish on pictorial of book of inside and outside, magazine.
Artistic resume:
2002, work " send arms plan " attend found an army 75 years beauty of horse and foot is exhibited win outstanding award;
2007, work " chirp " selected found an army 80 years to countrywide beauty is exhibited and be collected by Chinese art gallery;
2008, work " the country dies young " work of art of Ji Wenchuan whole nation exhibits selected heart especially, work " auspicious cloud " selected beauty of youth of the 3rd whole nation is exhibited and be collected by Chinese art gallery;
2009, work " city " selected eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited; Work " urban motorcycle race " selected beauty of sports of the 7th whole nation is exhibited, work " urban series " attend 798 pairs year exhibit exhibit especially, work " castiron spirit " attend celebrate new China to establish high-quality goods of calligraphy of art of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 60 years to exhibit, work " urban series " selected celebrate new China to establish work of art of horse and foot 60 years to exhibit, work " countryside " attend French landscape to invite exhibit;
2010, work " city " " urban car is surpassed " contemporary work of art exhibits selected Asia Game, work " city " be collected.
2011, work " city · 7 " selected watched billows international woodcut 2011 double year exhibit;
2012, work " highland patrols arms " attend found an army 85 years countrywide art work is exhibited and work of art of the 12nd horse and foot is exhibited win outstanding award, work " bullet series " attend 798 couplet to exhibit;
2013, hold " work exhibits Zhang Gongbing of latticedot matrix · " , work " downy snow " attend woodcut of the 4th international that watch late double year exhibit;
2014, hold " work exhibits the order · Zhang Gongbing of the dot " , work " Cold Dew " selected art exhibition of edition of the 20th whole nation, work " highland patrols of arms " " of downy snow " selected dozenth the United States exhibits a whole nation, work " highland patrols arms " attend the 3rd whole nation to mural is exhibited greatly and be obtained exhibit large award greatly, work " soldier effigies " attend " Chinese dream " model work of art of Chinese new form to exhibit;
2015, "Work exhibits the order · Zhang Gongbing of the dot " hold in Chinese art gallery;
2016, " of downy snow " selected eleventh work of art of Chinese artistic moral integrity is exhibited.