
2008年 《e度空间》参加“纪念中国改革开放30周年——全国美术作品展览”(深圳);9月考入安徽师范大学美术学院工笔研究生,师从吴同彦教授;
2009年 《e网情深》全国首届现代工笔画大展(中国美术家协会主办北京);
2010年 《前方的路》“全国第四届青年美术作品展”(北京);
2011年 《纸飞机》《水晶球之二》第四届当代中国画学术论坛(台北);
2012年 《你的假期,我们的婚期》庆祝中国人民解放军建军85周年全国美术作品展(北京);
2014年 《祈福》第十二届全国美展中国画作品展(天津);
2015年 “回归”山水美术馆开馆展;

Fan Chunxiao, was born to mound at the Anhui province in August 1980 in relief city, graduated to draw a department at China of academy of fine arts of Anhui Normal University 2002, graduate student of major of character of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail. It is Chinese artist academician now, chinese traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail draws academician, painter of full-time of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of the Anhui province, china of the Anhui province draws artistic committee committee member, work is published for many times at " art " , " art communication " wait for a magazine.
Chronological table
September 1998, academy of fine arts of Anhui Normal University learns China to draw, master from Wu Tongyan, Sang Jianguo, Wang Rongjiang;
In July 2002, faculty of art of division of state of Bo of the Anhui province teachs only;
2006 " skimming over the surface " the 6th labour strokes of countrywide is exhibited greatly (Beijing) ;
" passion collides " the 3rd international of Beijing double year exhibit a qualification (Beijing) ;
2007 " E spends a space " " mark Chinese reforming and opening 30 years -- countrywide art work is exhibited " (Shenzhen) ;
" crystal ball " art exhibition of the throughout the country is small traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail (Pan Jin) ;
2008 " E spends a space " attend " mark Chinese reforming and opening 30 years -- countrywide art work is exhibited " (Shenzhen) ; Took an examination of graduate student of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail of academy of fine arts of Anhui Normal University in September, division is taught from Wu Tongyan;
2009 " E net situation is difficult " first contemporary work strokes of countrywide is exhibited greatly (Chinese artist association sponsors Beijing) ;
" bovine city " first contemporary work strokes of countrywide is exhibited greatly (Chinese artist association sponsors Beijing) ;
2010 " the road of ahead " " work of art of the 4th youth of countrywide is exhibited " (Beijing) ;
" E spends a space 2 " international of the 4th Beijing double year exhibit and be collected by Chinese art gallery (Beijing) ;
" language of filar road picture " art exhibition of pink of · of watercolour of the 9th whole nation (Ning Bo) ;
" E net situation is difficult " first contemporary work strokes of countrywide is exhibited greatly (Beijing) ;
" bovine city " first contemporary work strokes of countrywide is exhibited greatly (Beijing) ;
2011 " paper plane " " of crystal ball " forum of learning of the traditional Chinese painting in the 4th now (Taipei) ;
" mobile space " the 8th labour strokes of countrywide is exhibited greatly (Beijing) ;
2012 " your holiday, our wedding day " congratulatory the Chinese People's Liberation Army founds an army 85 years countrywide art work is exhibited (Beijing) ;
2014 " pray blessing " dozenth work of the traditional Chinese painting in exhibiting exhibits a countrywide beauty (Tianjin) ;
" the friend is encircled " " colorful China dream -- art exhibition of hill of gold of a hunderd schools of 2014 · China (China is drawn) " (Nanjing) ;
"Chinese future -- nomination of artist of 2014 year youth exhibits imperial art academy of 10 bamboo fast " (Nanjing) ;
2015 " regression " landscape art gallery opens a house to exhibit;